Cycle to Work scheme

At Vielo we accept the following forms of Cycle to Work Schemes;


Cycle Scheme

Cycle Scheme

Green Commute

Green Commute Initiative
Cycle Solutions Cycle Solutions
Gogeta gogeta
Vivuplogo Vivup
Bike2Work Scheme Bike2work Scheme
Enjoy Benefits
Halfords Cycle2Work

My Benefits World

If you would like to order your Vielo using one of these schemes please contact us directly so we can process your vouchers. You can email us at

Cycle to Work Scheme order process

1 – Contact us (phone or email) to request a quote and check stock availability.

2 –  We’ll email you a quote with all the details about your bike.

3 – We normally ask for a £100 refundable deposit to hold the frame and parts for your bike build.

4 - You request a Cycle to Work voucher from your employer for the value of the bike.

5 – When your voucher arrives, you send it to us. We can then build your bike, claim the voucher and refund your £100 deposit.

Commission Charge - Cycle to Work providers charge the retailer a commission of between 5-15%. As a result we have to pass this fee onto the customer as part of any cycle to work orders. To get an exact quote, including the fee charged by your provider please email us. 

You can email us at to start the process at any time.